16 - Arunachaleshwara has no ears but hears, has no hands but is working all the time.


Eldest Sivachariya of Arunachaleshwar temple


April 1, 2020

Bhagwan was seated in Sambandha Vinayaka shrine when eldest Sivachariya came and sought blessings for smooth celebrations. Bhagwan blessed him but asked why not go to Arunachaleshwar and seek blessings. To this the Sivachariya said that Arunachaleshwar doesn’t talk but Bhagwan speaks. Immediately pat came the response from Bhagwan that Arunachaleshwar doesn’t speak but honours His blessings, He has no ears but hears, has no hands but is working all the time. Bhagwan also often said that Faith is the God of this world.

Please follow the link for the satsang in youtube.